Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to our most commonly asked questions that we get. If you can't find the answer you are looking for, please Contact Us

Why are Downloable files hosted on Mega?

Most Files provided on this website are hosted on Mega Cloud Service. Mega is used because it doesn't restrict files from being downloaded & the file doesn't expire.

How to download files from Mega?

To download files from Mega, First tap the download button. After Mega's Page is finished loading you'll get two options, "Open in Mega App" & "Download". If you already use Mega App then click the first option & save the file. If you don't use it then simply tap Download. After the bar is finished loading you can Download it by tapping Save File.

Are all of the apps & other files Virus free?

Yes, All of the files like Apps, Zips I provide are 100% genuine. These are checked multiple times with various websites like Virus Total and with Antivirus softwares like Avast Antivirus.

Can the apps collect Personal Data or Can it track us?

No, None of the Apps can do that. If I see an app doing that, I make sure to block them as much as I can by modifying them.

How many website do you have?

Including this one, I only have one website. If you see another website that looks like mine, Don't download anything from there & let me know asap by "contact us" page.

How to get notified when you publish a post?

You can get email notifications if I publish a new post simply by the Newsletter. Enter your email ID & sign in to get the notification of a new post as soon as I publish it.