How to get Pixel 6 Features in Any Phone.

First of all I'd like to recommend watching this video, Because it has the necessary steps to use all the apps linked below.

Google Pixel 6 Looks

For achieving the original look of the pixel series you'll be needing these Apps,

  • Wallpaper App

For the wallpaper you can use any app from Play Store, although if you want to get the Pixel Exclusive wallpapers then you can try Pixel Walls from Github. It has all of the Wallpapers from every single pixel device. Click Here

  • Live Wallpaper App

If you don't like to use simple wallpapers then you can use this live wallpaper app known as Doodle. This app is highly recommend for getting the pixel look. You can customize all the elements of the wallpaper as well. Click Here.

  • Launcher

Because the official Pixel 6 launcher won't run on Android 11 device's so you can use Lawnchair app or Nova Launcher app to get the look of Pixel launcher

  • Widget's

There are many Android 12 inspired widget's made after the official widget's are launched but most of them are useless. So, You can use Android 12 U for KWGT. This app is special because it has many widget collection & the widget's can adapt according your Homescreen wallpaper. Click Here.

  • Volume Panel

To get the stock volume Panel of Android 12 you can use Volume Styles app. Just download the app & give all necessary permissions. After that select the Android 12 volume Panel. Set the colors & your done. Click Here

  • Notification Panel

You can also get the stock Android 12 Notification panel with either Android 12 Notification shade app or MI Control Center App.


Essential Stock Apps of the Pixel 6

As the pixel devices only comes with their own set of Google Apps So you can install the apps from below to complete that step. If you have the native apps provided by your phones manufacturer then disable those apps.

Stock Apps Available on Google Play Store

            1. Calculator

            2. Calender

            3. Clock

            4. Contacts

            5. Dialer

            6. Files

            7. Messages

            8. Notes

            9. Photos

            10. Phone

             11. Wallpapers

To get rest of the Made by Google Apps, Click Here.

Stock Apps not Available on Google Play Store

You can replace your stock apps with these Google apps for more pixel experience. You can also replace your camera with GCam & Recorder with Google Recorder.

  • G-Cam (Google Camera)

If your doing photography with your phone then you must download G-Cam app. Because of it's optimization, every shot will be better than your stock Camera.

  • Google Voice Recorder

To download the Pixel Voice recorder you can visit APK Mirror for all of it's version's. It's voice recording quality is amazing & you'll get the transcripts as well. Click Here.


Pixel Exclusive Features

  • Magic Eraser

Magic Eraser is one of the most hyped features of the new pixel phone's, But it's an old feature which is available on most photo editors. But if you want a app specially for this then you can download Remove Unwanted Object App.

  • Privacy Dashboard

Privacy Dashboard is an awesome feature of Android 12 which is related to Digital Wellbeing of Android 11 but better. It can keep track of the apps which are using your phones camera, Microphone & location sensors & a small popup also appears on the upright corner to notify you. An app developer managed to make a app which mimicks the same features on your phone. Click Here.

  • Live Translate

While text translations are the main marketing push for Live Translate, the feature has some other tricks up its sleeve as well — such as translating things in the real world. Let's say someone is in another country and finds a street sign, menu, or another item with text in a foreign language. Live Translate can help in these situations, too. You can simply enable this on your phone by your Google Assistant with this phrase- Ok Google, Live Translate.


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